It is a feeding frenzy! I like to think that the hummingbirds are just being playful when they body-check each other away from the feeder. They are just addicts, hooked on the juice.
This week I have been trying to be creative without purchasing anything new. I was looking on YouTube and saw a tutorial about making stuff out of plastic grocery bags. Well, the first thing you do is cut the top and bottom off of a plastic bag. Turn it inside out so the writing is on the inside. Then overlap it so it is 8 layers thick. Put the bag between two pieces of paper and iron it. Keep the iron constantly moving, so the plastic melts evenly. Once it is melted into a firm plastic sheet you can sew it into stuff.
What I did was take two different colors of bags that I had fused together and cut them into 1/2 inch strips. I then wove them into a wallet sized sheet, which I then ironed again to make solid. This made the front of the wallet. Then I used two other fused bags, one to make the large money pocket and one to make the two inside pockets for license or credit cards. I then sewed it up by hand using embroidery thread and bias tape on the edges.
Um, wow, I knew you were amazing, but that's amazing. ^_^ Wow.
WHOA....that's crazy Kate! I'm impressed!
ps...I especially like the way it says SAVE on the an artsy way....u must have planned it that way..... :o)b
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